Archival Corpus
Belongs to: Historical Archive of Crete (Ιστορικό Αρχείο Κρήτης) ,Chania
Archival collection name (source language): Εμποροδικείο Χανίων
Archival collection name (source language): Εμποροδικείο Χανίων
Archival collection history :
The registers related to the commercial court of Chania (Hanya Ticaret Mahkemesi) are 9. Among them, there are 3 registers of court decisions from the years 1874-1881, 1 register of court proceedings from the years 1875-1878, 1 register of litigations from the years 1867-1869, 1 register of applications to the court from the years 1873-1875, 1 register of court fees from the years 1877-1878, 2 registers of court correspondence from the years 1871-1880. The registers contain a few cases with disputes between merchants and sailors in the city of Chania. From 1892, the commercial courts of Crete (also that of Rethymno and Heraklion) were adjoined with the First Instance Courts of Crete.