
Research on Mediterranean maritime history faces today a number of challenges: i) the physical dispersion and linguistic fragmentation of archival sources and ii) the multilingualism of the existing secondary literature, as the national Mediterranean languages dominate the historiographical production. Therefore, one of the objectives of the project was to create an Archival and Bibliographical corpus that may serve as a guide for scholars and researchers on Mediterranean maritime history. Neither corpus is exhaustive; however they may contribute as a basis for research on unpublished sources across Mediterranean and Black Sea archives and libraries and on secondary literature written in national languages on topics related to maritime history.   

The archival corpus consist of entries on collections and series that the members of the project SeaLiT had conducted research on and used in their analysis. The entries include the archive or library name and location, the archival or collection series and a brief description in English of the history and the content of the series. Similarly, the bibliographical corpus entries consist of written works in languages other than English, which are used as important references in the analysis of the published works of the project (articles in journals, chapters in collective volumes, PhD dissertations etc). Each entry includes the bibliographical information of the work and a brief summary in English.  

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  • 1873, " List of Vessels of the Russian Navy and Merchant Fleet, [Список судов Российского флота военного и торгового] ", St. Petersburg
  • 1896, " Russian Merchant Fleet till 1st of January of 1896 [Русский торговый флот, список судов к 1 января 1896 г.] ", St. Petersburg
  • 1914, " Russian Merchant Fleet till 1st of January of 1914 [Русский торговый флот, список судов к 1 января 1914 г.] ", St. Petersburg
  • 1884, " Admiralty hydrographic. The Black Sea Pilot ", London
  • " Russian Shipping [Русское судоходство], 1886-1917 ",
  • " Maritime miscellany [Морской сборник], 1848- ",
  • Andreozzi, Daniele , 2014, " La Filadelfia d’Europa e il suo porto. Crescita, poteri e miti a Trieste. ", Catania
  • Astori, Bruno and Giuseppe Stefani, 1938, " Il Lloyd Triestino. Contributo alla storia italiana della navigazione marittima ", Verona
  • Babudieri, Fulvio , 1986, " Squeri e cantieri a Trieste e nella regione giulia dal Settecento agli inizi del Novecento ", Trieste
  • Baryshnikov, M. N. , 2015, " «Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company: Establishment, Operation аnd Prospects of Development (1856–1864)], [«Русское Общество Пароходства и Торговли: учреждение, функционирование, перспективы развития (1856–1864 гг.)»] ",
  • Berneron-Couvenhes, Marie –Francoise, 2007, " Les Messageries Maritimes. L’essor d’une grande compagnie de navigation française 1851-1894 ", Paris
  • Bistis, Leonidas E. , 1982, " Ο Ατμήρης εμπορικός στόλος της Άνδρου. Από της συστάσεώς του μέχρι της λήξεως του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου (1882-1945) [The Steamship fleet of Andros. From its beginning to WWII (1882-1945)] ", Athens
  • Blasco, Joan Giménez , 2009, " De la vela al vapor. La marina catalana a través d’una familia de Vilassar de Mar: els Sust, ", Lleida
  • Blasco, Joan Giménez , 2013, " La província marítima de Mataró. Economia i conflictes socials (1750-1870) ", Mataró
  • Caruso Fermé, Laura, 2016, " “Tripulantes del sur: trabajo y condiciones laborales en la navegacion mercante argentina (1890-1920)”. ",
  • Cova, Ugo , 1992, " Commercio e navigazione a Trieste e nella monarchia asburgica da Maria Teresa al 1915 ", Verona
  • Daumalin, Xavier, 1992, " Marseille et L’Ouest Africain. L’Outre-Mer des Industriels (1841-1956), Volume 8 of Collection "Histoire du commerce et de l'industrie de Marseille XIXe-XXe siècles” ", Marseille
  • Del Bianco, Umberto , 1978, " Il Lloyd Austriaco e gli annulli marittimi dell’Austria-Ungheria. Volume secondo: le linee del Levante, l’attività postale sul Danubio e le rotte tra la Turchia e l’Austria ", Milano
  • Delis Apostolos, 2017, " Le rôle du capitaine et la figure du « directeur » de navires dans la marine à voile à Syra au milieu du XIXe siècle”. In Entrepreneurs des mers. Capitaines et mariniers du XVIe au XIXe siècle, edited by Gilbert Buti, Luca lo Basso and Olivier Raveux, ", Paris
  • Dosios, Aristidis, 1869, " Κρίσεις και σκέψεις περί της ελληνικής ατμοπλοΐας, [Criticism and Reflections concerning the Hellenic Steam Navigation]. ", Athens
  • Gatti, Luciana, 2008, " “Un raggio di convenienza”. Navi mercantili, costruttori proprietari in Liguria nella prima metà dell’ Ottocento. ", Genova
  • Grankov, Leonid M. , 2004, " Russian Shipping: history and modernity. Merchant fleet of Russia, pages of history, [Русское судоходство: история и современность. Коммерческий флот России, страницы истории] ", Moscow
  • Grankov, Leonid M. , 2010, " Russian Shipping: history and modernity. Russian fleet in foreign trade and international shipping, [Русское судоходство: история и современность. Морской флот России во внешней торговле и международном судоходстве] ", Moscow
  • Hadziiossif, Christos, 1999, " «Η μπελ επόκ του κεφαλαίου» [The Belle Epoque of capital]. In Ιστορία της Ελλάδος του 20ου αιώνα. Οι απαρχές 1900-1922, [History of Greece in the twentieth century. The beginnings 1900-1922], vol. A1, edited by Christos Hadziiossif, 309-49 ", Athens
  • Harlaftis, Gelina, 2013, " Η ‘ναυτική πολιτεία’ του Ιονίου και του Αιγαίου. Ναυτότοποι, ναυτικές οικογένειες και επιχειρήσεις» [The ‘Maritime City’ of Ionian and the Aegean. Maritime communities, families and enterprises]. In Η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων, 1700-1821. Ο αιώνας της ακμής πρ ", Athens
  • Harlaftis, Gelina, 2013, " «Η ‘ναυτική πολιτεία’ του Ιονίου και του Αιγαίου. Στόλος και ανταγωνιστικότητα» [The ‘Maritime City’ of Ionian and the Aegean. Fleets and competitiveness]. In Η ναυτιλία των Ελλήνων, 1700-1821. Ο αιώνας της ακμής πριν από την Επανάσταση [Greek Shipping, 1 ", Athens
  • Harvey, M. L. , 1938, " The Development of Russian Commerce on the Black Sea and Its Significance ",
  • Illovaiskiy, S. I., 1907, " History essay on the Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company: 1857-1907 [Исторический очерк пятидесятилетия Русского Общества Пароходства и Торговли] ", Odessa
  • Istomina, E.G. , 1991, " Water transport in Russia in the pre-reform period [Водный транспорт России в дореформенный период] ", Moscow
  • Kardasis, Vasilis, 1993, " Από του ιστίου εις τον ατμόν. Ελληνική Εμπορική Ναυτιλία (1858-1914) [From sail to steam. Greek merchant marine (1858-1914)] ", Athens
  • Kiaer, A. N. , 1881, " Statistiques Internationale. Navigation Maritime. II Les Marines Marchandes, ", Christiania:
  • Konstantinidis, Tryfonas, 1954, " Καράβια, καπεταναίοι και συντροφοναύται, 1800–1830. Εισαγωγή εις την ιστορίαν των ναυτικών επιχειρήσεων του Αγώνος [Ships, Captains and Fellow Seamen, 1800–1830. Introduction to the history of naval operations of the Greek War of Independence] ", Athens
  • Kouznetsov, V. F. , 1946, " From Peter’s ships to Soviet steamships [От Петровских кораблей до советских теплоходов] ", Rostov-on-Don
  • Martín, Irene Arenas , 2017, " Aproximació al treball de les dones en alta mar. Les primeres treballadores de la Compañía Trasatlántica, SA (1880-1940)” ",
  • Márton Pelles, 2021, " The Innovative Managerial Role of Jenő de Polnay as the Key Element to the Success of the Atlantica Sea Navigation Company within the Hungarian Maritime Fleet (1907–1914) ", Pecs
  • Márton Pelles, Gábor Zsigmond, 2018, " A fiumei magyar kereskedelmi tengerészet története (1868–1918) – The Hungarian Maritime Trade: History of Fiume (1868–1918) ",
  • Mellinato, Giulio , 2001, " Crescita senza sviluppo: l'economia marittima della Venezia Giulia tra Impero asburgico ed autarchia (1914-1936) ", San Canzian d'Isonzo
  • Melnitskiy, V. , 1859, " Russain Merchant Fleet till 1st of January of 1858, [Русский коммерческий флот по 1-е января 1858 года] ", St. Petersburg
  • Moraitinis, Pierre A, 1877, " La Grece tell qu’elle est, ", Paris
  • Owen, Thomas C. , 2005, " Dilemmas of Russian Capitalism ", Cambridge
  • Panjek, Giovanni , 2003, " Una “commercial officina” fra le vie di mare e di terra ", Trieste
  • Panopoulou, St. Maria. , 1993, " Οικονομικά και τεχνικά προβλήματα στην ελληνική ναυπηγική βιομηχανία 1850-1914, [Economic and technical problems in the Greek shipbuilding industry 1850-1914] ", Athens
  • Papadopoulou, Alexandra, 2010, " “Ναυτιλιακές Επιχειρήσεις, Διεθνή Δίκτυα και Θεσμοί στην Σπετσιώτικη Εμπορική Ναυτιλία, 1830-1870. Οργάνωση, διοίκηση και στρατηγική.» [“Maritime Businesses, networks and institutions in merchant shipping of the island of Spetses, 1830-1870. Organization, ", Corfu
  • Papadopoulou, Alexandra, 2013, " - “Από το τοπικό στο παγκόσμιο: η ενσωμάτωση των ναυτότοπων του Αιγαίου στο μεσογειακό εμπορικό σύστημα τέλη 18ου-αρχές 19ου αιώνα», [From local to global: the integration of the Aegean maritime communities in the Mediterranean commercial system, late 18t ", Athens
  • Papathanassopoulos, Konstantinos, 1988, " Εταιρεία Ελληνικής Ατμοπλοΐας (1855-72). Τα αδιέξοδα του προστατευτισμού [Hellenic Steam Navigation Company (1855-72). The impasse of protectionism]. ", Athens
  • Papathanassopoulos, Konstantinos. , 1983, " Ελληνική εμπορική ναυτιλία (1833-1856). Εξέλιξη και αναπροσαρμογή. [Greek Merchant Marine, (1833-1856). Development and Readjustment]. ", Athens
  • Pavlidis, Laurent, 2012, " « La construction navale traditionnelle provençale au XIXe siècle. Sources et méthodes ». Cahiers de la Méditerranée, ",
  • Pellegrini, Giovanni , 2012, " ‘Salariato’ della nave Girarda-San Nicolò per il viaggio da Venezia alla Sardegna (1594–1595). ", Rome
  • Rodrigo y Alharilla, Martín, 2016, " La Marina mercante de vapor en Barcelona (1834-1914) ", Barcelona
  • Saltuk Duran, 2020, " “Transportation, Steamships and the Rise of Postal Protectionism in the Ottoman Empire under the Reign of Abdülaziz (r. 1861–1876)” ",
  • Sharigina, O. A. , 2009, " The development of the merchant fleet in the Black and Azov Sea, second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century”, [Розвиток морського флоту Чорноморсько-Азовського басейну у другій половині xix – на початку xx ст.] ",
  • Shaw, Carlos Martínez , 1981, " Cataluña en la carrera de Indias, 1680-1756 ", Barcelona
  • Shlyakhov, A. B. , 2003, " Shipowners and seafarers of the Azov-Black Sea basin (90s of the 19th century-1914) [Cудновласники i моряки Азово-чорноморського басейну (90-тi рр.XIX ст.-1914 р.)] ", Dnipropetrovsk
  • Shlyakhov, B. , 2017, " “Anarchists and sailors of the merchant fleet of the Azov-Black Sea Basin in the early 20th century” [“Анархісти та моряки торговельного флоту Азово-Чорноморського басейну на початку ХХ ст.”] ",
  • Trifonov, Yu. N. , B. V. Lemachko, 2009, " Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company, 1856-1932 (Brief historical reference) [Русское общество пароходства и торговлиб 1856-1932 (краткий исторический справочник)] ", St. Petersburg
  • Valdaliso Gago, Jesus Maria , 1991, " Los navieros vascos y la Marina mercante en España, 1860-1935.Una historia económica ", Bilbao
  • Vázquez Lijó, José, 2006, " La Matrícula de mar en la España del siglo XVIII: registro, inspección y evolución de las clases de marinería y maestranza ", Madrid
  • Vilà i Galí, Agustí María , 1992, " La Marina mercant de Lloret de Mar: Segles XVIII i XIX ", Lloret de Mar
  • Vilà i Galí, Agustí María , 1989, " Navegants i mercaders: Una nissaga marinera de Lloret ", Lloret de Mar
  • Yarovoy, V. V. , 2017, " Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company. Historical list of the fleet, 1856-1932, [Русское общество пароходства и торговли. Исторический список судового состава 1856-1932 гг.] ", Odessa
  • Zalesskiy, N. A. , 1987, " ““Odessa” goes to sea: the emergence of steam navigation on the Black Sea, 1827-1855” [«Одесса» выходит в море: возникновение парового мореплавания на Черном море, 1827-1855»] ", Leningrad
  • Zamora i Terrés, Joan, 2002, " Notas para una historia del movimiento obrero en la marina mercante española ", Barcelona