Archival Corpus
Belongs to: Maritime Museum of Trieste (Civico Museo del Mare di Trieste - Magazzino 26, Museo del Mare) ,Trieste
Archival collection name (source language): Collezione del Lloyd
Archival collection name (source language): Collezione del Lloyd
Archival collection history :
The Collezione del Lloyd is the richest collection of materials related to the Austrian Lloyd Steam Navigation Company. It includes an heterogenous set of documents and objects (6195 in total), such as paintings, ship models, photographic material, publications produced by the Lloyd Printing Section (Terza Sezione del Lloyd Austriaco), Company financial statements, some lists of seagoing personnel, correspondance of various kinds, timetable schedules of the Lloyd lines. The core of the collection comes from the headquartes of the Lloyd in Trieste (Palazzo del Lloyd, Piazza Unità, Trieste), acquired by the Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia from Finmare-Società marittima e finanziaria in 1991.