Archival Corpus
Belongs to: The Russian State Historical Archive (Российский Государственный Исторический Архив) ,St. Petersburg, Russia
Archival collection name (source language): Русское Общество Пароходства и Торговли, фонд 107
Archival collection name (source language): Русское Общество Пароходства и Торговли, фонд 107
Archival collection history :
The archival collection consists of 3609 folders covering the period from 1856 till 1918. It preserves different kind of documents about the Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company, collected per year. The folders contain correspondence about the establishment of the company, statutes as well as statistical data on the transportation of goods and passengers, the company’s fleet lists, reports of agents, financial reports, documents about the lines where it operated and blueprints of the ships.