Archival Corpus
Archival collection name (source language): Capitaneria di porto di Genova
In partial continuity with the institutions of the preceding period, those of the oligarchic Republic of Genoa and the different forms of administration carried on by the Savoy governement over the Ligurian city, the Port Authority of Genoa was finally founded by royal decree in 1865, with the purpose to standardise the administration of ports and over seagoing personnel after the Italian unification. Therefore, in this archival collection different typologies of sources converged, but all of them referring to port and merchant marine activities. Among the series which are part of the collection, the Matricole della gente di mare: 1843-1886 (Registers of maritime workers) and the Giornali Nautici: 1881-1958 (Logbooks) are the most important.